Policy / Strategy to be updated



Title of Policy / Strategy and Description


Last Updated

Issues and Recommendations

Impact of Policy Change

Highway Asset

Management Policy


The policy was created to

reflect the council’s

commitment to infrastructure

asset management and to

demonstrate how this

approach aligns with the

County Council’s priorities.


It is a prerequisite of the

Department for Transport

(DfT), which is also linked to

funding, for authorities to

have an externally published

Highway Asset Management



Lead Member for Transport and Environment – 19 November 2018

The purpose of the policy is currently stated as: “East Sussex County Council considers that an asset management approach to the maintenance of the highway network will support the achievement of the Council Priorities and Local Transport Plan aims.”


It is recommended to amend the purpose of the policy to the following text to highlight the value for the stakeholder and economy that an asset management approach can bring.   “To create stakeholder value by operating a sustainable highway network in such a way to optimise long term condition and investment. East Sussex County Council considers that an asset management approach to the maintenance of the highway network will support this aim, and the Council Priorities and Local Transport Plan visions.”


Recommendation: Update the purpose of the policy to make it more concise.


No impact on the service as the

policy still reflects current legislation and best practice.

The current Policy Statement opens with a lengthy statement on ESCC commitment to Asset Management: “East Sussex County Council is committed to Asset management as a means to deliver a more efficient and effective approach to management of highway infrastructure assets through longer term planning and ensuring that levels of service are defined and achievable for available budgets. It supports making the case for funding, for better communication with stakeholders, and facilitates a greater understanding of the contribution highway infrastructure assets make to economic growth and social well-being of local communities.…”


It is recommended that the opening Policy Statement be updated to allow for a more targeted statement that reflects Highway Asset Management in East Sussex in 2022.  “East Sussex County Council is committed to maintaining a safe highway network, through efficient, coordinated, and economical service activities, that sustainably serve the needs of our stakeholders. Through our adopted asset management approach we can optimise the long-term condition of our assets relative to the investment available.”


Recommendation: Update the opening Policy Statement to provide a concise statement of intent.


The bulk of the current Policy Statement text focuses on how the Policy will support the achievement of 2018 Council Priorities.  It is a lengthy section of text that relates to the delivery of the policy (the Asset Management Strategy) rather than to the Policy itself. 


The council priorities have been updated in this review and a summary of how they are met is provided. “Our priorities and delivery outcomes are driven by our four overarching priority outcomes:

•             driving sustainable economic growth

•             keeping vulnerable people safe

•             helping people help themselves

•             making best use of resources now and for the future


‘Making best use of resources now and for the future’ is the gateway priority through which all activity and accompanying resources must pass. The remaining three priority outcomes guide our activities, direct our resources, and are reflected in our targets.”


Recommendation: Update priorities to better reflect those in 2022, while providing a concise statement on how this policy adheres to these.

As above. The bulk of the current Policy Statement text focuses on how the Policy will support the achievement of 2018 Council Priorities.  It is a lengthy section of text that relates to the delivery of the policy (the Asset Management Strategy) rather than to the Policy itself. 


The Policy Statement has been updated to better reflect how we will achieve delivery of the Policy, while remaining compliant, cooperative, and respectful of all our stakeholder needs.  “We shall comply with the legal, regulatory, and environmental requirements placed upon us and will not compromise the safety of our employees, stakeholders, and the public. We do not work in isolation. We will work with our partners and neighbours to make sure there is a shared view of priorities.  We will make the most of opportunities and resources available to East Sussex both locally and nationally.


This asset management policy shall be achieved through the operation of a co-ordinated end-to-end asset management system that:

                    Delivers our Asset Management Strategy, objectives and performance targets, ensuring they are consistent with the Council Vision.

                    Considers the complete lifecycle of our assets, allowing us to develop investment plans that are sustainable, efficient, and based upon cost, risk and performance.

                    Makes the case for funding

                    Improves communication with stakeholders

                    Facilitates an understanding of the contribution highway infrastructure assets make to economic growth and social well-being of local communities

                    Tracks the delivery of our asset management objectives and reviews the achievement of their benefits.

                    Integrates with and compliments our risk, health and safety and environmental requirements.


Officers shall comply with this policy and contribute towards continuous improvement of the asset management system. East Sussex County Council will provide sufficient information, training, and resources to enable this to be achieved.


Recommendation: Update the remainder of Policy Statement to providing a concise statement as to the value of this policy and how it will be delivered.


Highway Asset

Management Strategy



Lead Member for Transport and Environment – 19 November 2018

The Highways Asset Management Strategy 2018 - 2024 has been updated with the most recent figures available for 2022 and sections updated in line with the current County Council approach, best practice recommendations and DfT requirements as well as reflecting updates to the Code of Practice 'Well-managed highway infrastructure'.


Included in this review is an update to the Network Hierarchy to support the development and publication of the East Sussex Highway Resilience Plan.


The current Strategy has detailed information on individual asset types. This section has been removed and a summary provided, to reflect that each asset now has its own unique Asset Management Plan.   


Recommendation: To approve the updated strategy for 2022-2028

No impact on the service as the

strategy still reflects current

legislation and best practice.